Car accidents are not just scary, they can change your life dramatically. Getting in an accident can cause both physical and emotional damage. At the point of impact, you need to be more concerned for the physical safety of everyone involved rather than how much this is going to cost.
However, in the state of Washington, the law states that contributory fault applies to auto accidents. This means that a percentage of fault may be assigned to each party. This also means that the other party’s auto insurance will do their due diligence to make sure you are at least partially at fault to reduce the amount of compensation you are entitled to. Or they will argue that you were really were not hurt in the accident.

If you’ve been in a collision you need an auto accident attorney on your side. At the Law Offices of Lori S. Haskell, we help by gathering as much evidence as we can to demonstrate how you weren’t being negligent and therefore you’re not responsible for your auto accident and your injuries. We also prove the extent of the injuries you have suffered.
After an accident, it’s important for you to focus on your recovery. Having a personal injury lawyer fighting on your side will help reduce the amount of stress that can result from an automobile accident. We can handle what happens next and work for a fair resolution of your claim.
We immediately go to work proving negligence on the part of the other driver by conducting a thorough investigation. We will be able to do so by reviewing any video or photographic evidence, studying police reports, consulting with expert witnesses, and discovering if all applicable traffic laws were obeyed at the time of the accident.
Doing this will allow us to reduce the amount of fault that an insurance company might try to blame you in this auto accident. Having us on your side allows you to be sure you receive the most compensation possible.
Don’t fight the insurance company on your own. They are trained professionals and you need someone in your corner. Join my team. Together we’ll get a successful resolution for you.